Kiley Requests Increased Federal Aid as Storm Damage Builds

Yesterday, as storm damage continued to build, Congressman Kevin Kiley officially requested that Governor Newsom ask for a Major Disaster Declaration from President Biden, which is required for California residents to access a variety of federal assistance programs to recover from the storm impacts. He also requested that President Biden issue such declaration as soon as the request is received from Governor Newsom to ensure our community receives federal assistance without delay.

On the House Floor, Rep. Kiley remarked: “My office is working to ensure the greatest measure of Federal assistance is available to the affected communities. My office is in constant communication with FEMA, and I have spoken personally to FEMA Regional Administrator Bob Fenton.” Kiley added “California now finds itself in both a flood emergency and a drought emergency at the same time. That absurdity underscores a fundamental failure of governance. Citizens are told to take shorter showers. Farmers are told to fallow their fields. All the while, they watch water flow abundantly into the ocean.” Although Rep. Kiley’s focus is on the days ahead, he has already co-sponsored Rep. Valadao’s WATER for California Act, which would expand water storage capacity.

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