I have been working with Nevada County law enforcement to ensure they have the resources they need to keep our communities safe. Last year, we were able to secure $468,000 for the Town of Truckee Law Enforcement Land Mobile Radio Funding Project. The purpose of this project is to upgrade the Truckee Police Department’s radios to tri-band radios. This project would benefit the community by upgrading the Truckee Police Department’s radios to state-of-the-art systems that improve interoperability, coordination, and communication with various local, state, and federal agencies. This will enhance response capabilities, first responder safety, and overall public safety, particularly in the event of major wildfires or other emergencies.
I also secured $337,500 Rescue Snowcat Transport vehicle with a trailer and tow vehicle for the Nevada Consolidated Fire District. This will of course help our regional emergency response.
Finally, we were able to secure $150,000 for the Nevada City Police Department to replace all portable radio equipment. This includes handheld radios as well as vehicle-equipped radios. Currently, NCPD utilizes county dispatch as the sole source of radio communication for all emergency and non-emergency services. Based on new technology being installed throughout the county, the current radio equipment will be obsolete and non-functioning within as soon as two years. I proudly supported this funding which will shore up our emergency preparedness and response in Nevada City.
Events in Nevada County
I also want to thank the Nevada County Board of Supervisors and Sheriff’s Department for hosting me at a recent roundtable to discuss broadband access in our rural communities. I will continue to work with County of Nevada, CA and others including Plumas-Sierra Rural Electric Cooperative to find new ways to support our rural communities and bridge the digital divide.
Thank you to the team at Nevada Irrigation District for the tour and briefing last year at the Scotts Flat spillway. I’m grateful for their work and committed to supporting this infrastructure which is so important to the water supply in Nevada, Placer, & Yuba counties.